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Gravel Vision


Chris King Precision Components pioneers #GRAVELVISION, a new methodology for contextualizing our components within the fast developing riding category of gravel grinding.

Take a moment and look around. Our world is not made solely of thick black tarmac and narrow winding trails. Between these two lives something, a treasure hiding in plain view. The wind knows this secret and it whispers a single word, a word that is echoed down the long straight stretches of forgotten roads, over under serviced potholes and across cracked and broken chip seal. That word is GRAVEL.

At Chris King Precision Components we listen to the words of the wind. This season we are proud to introduce a new way of looking at our product. That’s right, instead of spending long hours in development and testing we realized that with almost three decades of high quality component development infused into our current lineup what was needed wasn’t an entirely new product but rather a new way of looking at our existing product. We are calling this new perspective Gravel Vision.


What is Gravel Vision? It is a simple process. The first step is to go outside and find a handful of gravel. Gravel can be found lining the edges of paved roads, in and around the grates of street gutters, or in the nearest planter. If you can’t find any gravel don’t fret, the nearest nursery or gardening store will have plenty to choose from and a bag of gravel wont break your pocket book, (though it may break your back, be careful to lift with your legs). Once you have found your handful of gravel take it with you into your favorite bike shop and ask to look at their selection of Chris King products. Roll the gravel between the palms of your hands as you look them over. You may not recognize it at first but you are activating new neural pathways, linking up previously unconnected portions of your brain.

Notice the R45 and R45 Disc Hubs, in the past you may have thought that these legendary hubs were made strictly for high performance road and cross riding, but now that you are using Gravel Visionyou see that their unparalleled quality and durability makes these components the perfect choice for your new “grinder” wheelset. Your new appreciation doesn’t stop there, in fact it spreads across our entire range of components from threaded bottom brackets, to our NoThreadset headsets.

The realization hits you like a lightening bolt, Chris King components are perfect for gravel grinding, and you wonder, “Wow all of these Chris King components are built to keep me grinding, how did I not see this before?” We can sympathize; other light-weight race-ready parts may not be built to withstand the rigors of sustained gravel grinding abuse and you developed the systemic response we call “my components have failed me in the middle of nowhere and I can’t have that happen again or MCHFMITMONAICHTHA.” With Gravel Vision you gain a new perspective on our legendary components and realize that the gravel grinding components you have been seeking were in front of you the whole time. Yes, it seems so obvious now, Chris King components are perfect for gravel grinding, and with the help of Gravel Vision there is no need to worry about MCHFMITMONAICHTHAanymore.

We think that this new perspective is so important that we are offering it to our dealers and consumers free of charge, we are calling this our Teach A Man To Fish initiative and we have no doubt that soon enough you will be catching your limit of our beautiful components.

Keep grinding,

Chris King Buzz

Chris King Precision Components

Chris King Precision Components is a highend manufacturer of bicycle bearing based components since 1976. Chris King also produces a line of bicycle frames under the brand title, Cielo Bicycles. The company is based in Portland Oregon, USA.



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