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Kindred Spirit: Firefly Adventure Team

Firefly Bicycles are truly rideable works of art; these are impeccable machines and though they offer steel and carbon models the company is best known for their work in titanium. Every weld is a tight and consistent row of puddles strung atop the matted slate surface of this wonder metal. To complement the understated beauty of their frame Firefly has developed a sophisticated and subtle brand identity, including a notable visual treatment with their anodizing work, with which they have managed to capture and manipulate the unique spectral properties of titanium anodizing to create a frame finishing motif that stands out in a crowd.

The creative minds behind Firefly aren’t solely bound to bicycle design and fabrication and have extended their creativity to a number of fantastic projects, one of which is the Firefly Adventure Team. Launched earlier this year, the concept is simple: pull together a group of talented cyclists, all of whom happen to be women, put them on beautiful bikes, and send them out on adventures. Check, Check, Check. We were excited to help support the team as they traipse through adventure after adventure.

Feast your eyes on some pictures, check out their website, and get to know the members of the team.


In addition to being road-hardened bicycle adventurers this collection of ladies are well versed in the use of popular social media tools. If you are interested in following their journeys check out the hashtag #fireflyadventureteam and follow their individual accounts for more details.


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