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Kindred Spirit: Carson Storch

Photo Credit: Bryce Piwek @bpiwek

Carson Storch is an up and coming young ripper from Bend, OR. With an approachable and grounded demeanor that belies his age he is a great ambassador for the sport. Carson is a perfect fit for Chris King and we were fortunate to support him with Chris King ISO hubs and Threaded Bottom Brackets for his 2013 season. He has many years of mind-blowing riding in his future and we look forward to following his exploits. Recently Carson competed in Whistler’s Crankworx followed closely by Darren Berrecloth’s Bearclaw Invitational. Both of these events are top tier freeride competitions and Carson showed he could compete with a long list of big name riders.

Carson sent us some short correspondence about his recent rides.


What’s goin on guys!

Just giving you a little update on how the past month went for me.

Crankworx was an awesome time as always, got a ton of riding in, rode well in the speed and style. I got to 1/8th finals which was sick then missed a flag and got disqualified which sucked because I would of made it to quarter finals. Still had a ton of fun though. As for best trick, I kind of chilled. Didn’t really go for the win, but nailed down a few tricks and stayed solid. The jump was massive so it was definitely good practice for me. Got some good exposure, and rode/practiced the whole Joyride course so nothing wrong with that.


Photo Credit: Seth Beckton @sethbeckton

Bearclaws was awesome. Super sick event, course was all dirt which was amazing. I kind of sent it up there after driving home from Crankworx, which was pretty crazy. Lots of driving. I actually wasn’t invited so I had to do the AM comp, which was on half of the course. I ended up taking second in that, so was able to ride in the actual event. In the main contest, first run my tire exploded so I had to stop, second run I had a really solid run going, then missed a crucial trick in the middle of my run which caused my score to be deducted pretty heavily, and last run I had another good run going then washed out on a flipwhip. I think I ended up 18th. Still super happy with how everything went, I felt like I have never ridden better, especially in such a big contest. Feeling as motivated as ever for this fall filming some edits, and next season.

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